Summary ‘Occupational Therapy in disadvantaged, marginalized and addicted populations’
On the 2nd of March 2022, we held our first SPOTinar of the year. Jacob Madsen is an Occupational Therapist & Researcher at University College of Northern Jutland, Denmark. He talks about social inequality in health with disadvantaged marginalized and addicted populations and how OTs can act on these avoidable inequalities.
You can find the summary in the blog section.
Summary ‘Diversity in Occupational Therapy’
On the 11th of November, occupational therapist Margot Berry shared her diverse and cultural experiences within the field of Occupational Therapy.
For those who were not able to join, we present the summary here:
Summary ‘Systematic Racism’
On the 27th of January, occupational therapist Frank Kronenberg made a presentation for the students about systemic racism, we present the summary here:
Summary ‘Thinking Outside the Box – Global Challenges, Local Occupational Solutions’
On the 21st of February, occupational therapist Hanneke van Bruggen made a presentation for the students about global challenges, we present the summary here:
Summary ‘Occupational Therapy, Clinical Reasoning and Working With Children Who Have Autism’
On the 13th of April, occupational therapist Richard Furbush made a presentation for the students about clinical reasoning and working with children who have autism, we present the summary here: