Dear SPOTeurope members,
It is our pleasure to send you all an update on the current developments within SPOTeurope as well as mini SPOT’s.
COTEC-ENOTHE 2021 conference 15-18th september
The early registration has been postponed until the 31st of May! Have you registered already?! If not, please click this link. If you register before the 31st of May, you pay €150,-* and after this day you pay €175,-*
It is good to mention that if you do register before the 31st of May, you need a code from your university. Please ask your supervision teacher for this code.
Another good thing to mention is that some universities pay for the registration fee, it is good to verify this with your local university.
Besides the registration, a draft version of the programme has been published! You can check this out here.
* Costs are for ENOTHE member universities.
Call for action!
!Board member needed!
SPOTeurope had currently three positions open:
1. Student Board Member
2. Social media coordinator
3. Outreach coordinator
We are looking for motivated students who would like to join us! Time investment per week is ± 4 hours but can differ. If you would like to receive more information or would like to apply, please send an email to:
Everyone is welcome to apply! Even when your english isn’t your mother tongue and you feel insecure about this; you are welcome! Language should not be a barriere.
Our blogger Emmanouela is looking for your input!
“ Hi Everyone
I am planning on making a blog about your experiences as a member of miniSPOT!
My three questions would be:
1) In which miniSPOT are you a member?
2) How did you find the process of making one from scratch? (example: Did you have any help? Did SPOTeurope assist you enough? What are some things you wish you knew from the beginning? etc.)
3) How do you feel about your current position? (example: What do you like about being in a miniSPOT? Are there some things you find difficult? Do you suggest any changes? etc.)
Your participation is not obligatory but we would love to know your thoughts on the topic, plus there are a lot of people asking about it and most of them want to know some insights from people that have personal experiences on it.
We would also appreciate some pictures if you have any to share!
The word count should be between 250-400 words.
If you have any questions please contact me, Emmanouela, by email:
The deadline would be the 2nd of June since the blog is to be posted on the 5th!
Thank you all in advance 😀
Kind regards,
Emmanouela Kanetaki”
Dear students ,
Because of your participation in our activity from last December we would like to invite you to another event put together by SPOThva.
We are putting together a new activity on the 26th of May, 15:00-17:00 CEST.
We will organize an interactive meeting, in which the participants tell us what challenges their country is experiencing, related to the following subjects:
- Mental health;
- Refugees;
- Insurance;
- The integration of technology;
- Working in a multidisciplinary team.
For example: ”In our country (Belgium, Sweden, Germany etc…) there is no coöperation with other health professionals which results in a lesser outcome for the patients.”
We plan on, depending how many people from different countries sign up, making a list of all the challenges and then on the day of the activity we divide the participants among breakout rooms so they can talk to each other about the countries problems and find a solution for the problem. The groups will make a poster, in which the problem is presented, as well as their solutions and a small explanation as to how they would like to see their solution in practice.
We have made a google forms in which you can sign up for the event:
Met vriendelijke groet / Best regards,
SPOT HvA & SPOT Western
ENOTHE Center of Learning & Exchange (ECOLE) has updated their website.
In there, you will find detailed information, access links, deadlines and much more!
ECOLE advocates for sustainable education and capacity building through advanced networking!
Student Summer Course
As you may know ENOTHE is hosting a Student Summer Course this year. Some of you might have already signed up but there are still some spots left!
If you are curious, please have a look on the website.
Town hall meeting
It is about time that we can “see” and exchange together again. Therefore, in some weeks there will be the next Town Hall Meeting via our Microsoft Teams.
Please save the date: 24th June 2021 18:00/6p.m. CET
Closer information about the content and registration will follow in about two weeks.
One topic will be the election of the new Student Board Member and some updates about current developments/projects within SPOTeurope and ENOTHE.
In case there are any topics that you would like to discuss closer, please inform us before the 19th of June, so that we can consider it in the program.
Of course there will still be some space for spontaneous exchange/topics/concerns.
Looking forward to it!
Thank you for taking the time to read this update and supporting us!
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