This year’s ENOTHE annual meeting took place October 26-28 in Oviedo. We are happy to share the experiences of some of this year’s Annual Meeting participant students with you!

During the process, we enjoyed working collaboratively with students from the Facultad Padre Ossó in Oviedo, and they kindly shared their experiences with us:


“First of all, it was a pleasure for us to participate with the Spot team in this workshop and we would like to thank them for allowing us to show the corners of our autonomous community, Asturias.

For the workshop we chose different environments and contexts, from which we identified the main architectural barriers that prevent universal accessibility. The aim of this workshop was to show some of the most emblematic places in Asturias and, in groups, to identify the barriers mentioned above.

The following are some of the contexts we have chosen:

Nightlife, commerce, catering, beaches, mountains and nature reserves in the area.

After the search for information and the workshop itself, we really became aware of the accessibility problems in Asturias and all the buildings and architectural barriers that do not follow the Universal Accessibility Law.

“We should all be able to enjoy the beauty of the North”.”

Martine, one of the Annual Meeting participants, kindly shared her experiences with us:

My name is Martine, and I am a student from Norway. Through the Norwegian Occupational Therapy  student organization, I was requested to attend the ENOTHE conference held in Oviedo this year. I attended many different oral presentations and workshops throughout the days at the congress. The themes of this year were “digital transitions/ innovations in teaching” and “empowering students and teachers”, both themes very suited for the students in attendance.

On the first day I was determined to get acquainted with some other students, and I chose to do this by first approaching the SpotEurope stand. I got to interact with the board throughout my time at the congress and also in other contexts. I am thankful we met and got to hang out together with this I also learned about a new type of virtual reality technology that is in development, called Smart immersive occupational performance interventions, SIOPI for short. I learned about how to use 3D-printing in occupational therapy, and how teachers can use video games in education.

I participated in several interesting workshops, but one that stood out to me was the one held by the Georgian participants. Their workshop included telling us about how their education is organized and then arranging discussions about several topics so that they could get some tips about how other countries structure their education program. This led to interesting discussions between participants from several countries and enabled them to share their differences.

This is an event that I had immense fun being part of and would love to take part in again. It became a huge learning opportunity for me since I was traveling alone to a foreign country. I got to listen to all these great practitioners’ and lecturers’ experiences and how passionate they are about OT.

Tatuli Tutashvili, one of the Annual Meeting participants, kindly shared her experiences with us:


My name is Tatuli Tutashvili, and I’m a 21-year-old fourth-year student.During my visit to Spain, I attended the 27th ENOTHE annual meeting. My first experience with Annual Meeting was last year in Georgia. This time, I tried to attend a lot of meetings and workshops. I presented a poster about “Georgian occupational therapy students’ empowering network.” While the process, I had a chance to get feedback from Annual Meeting attendants about my poster and met a lot of people while I presented it.

I attended the workshop “New Technologies for Use in Occupational Therapy,” which I liked because of all the innovations in our profession, and I can’t wait to use them in practice.

I also liked the workshop ” (Re) Thinking Occupational Therapy Education through Tuning 2023″  about curriculum design across three cycle levels: bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD. It helped me think through my current position.

I attended the meet-up “Building the Bridge: Planning and Implementing Action Across Students and Educators for a Participatory Learning Community,” which was presented by people from my country and I actively participated in this meet-up.

Even though I didn’t attend the workshop, “The Use of Creativity and Occupational Therapy,” I actually had a chance to experience everything in Belgium this summer. After the workshop, I received photos of my performance from Filip Dejonckheere and Joke Standaert.

I also liked the SPOT Europe student workshop, where I met a lot of students from different countries and backgrounds. With my group, we managed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of adaptations in Spain. I attended the SPOT Europe pitch, which helped me think about a lot of things in our community.

Can’t wait to be part of the next meeting!

If you also would like to read the Annual Meeting journey of SPOTeurope board members, click on the link:


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