
This year ENOTHE held their Annual Meeting in Oviedo, Spain. SPOTeurope was present, as every year since 2014, to represent the students’ voices of Europe. This time represented in person by Bruna, Megan, Angela, and Kira, we decided to give you, the SPOT community, a small insight into how our preparations for the 27th AM looked like. And of course to what these preparations lead to at the AM.

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ENOTHE Annual Meeting 2022 in Tbilisi, Georgia

This year’s ENOTHE annual meeting took place from October 12th – 16th in Tbilisi. Our Student Board Member Vanessa Rozalina, President Julie Valckx and Blogger Kira Hanßmann were there in Person. 

The location of the annual meeting was the beautiful old building of the “Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University”.

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Greetings world from wintery Denmark!

About me

My name is Marie, I am a 26-year-old OT student and I’ve just started my 5thsemester (out of seven, they are 6 months each) of my education at UCN, University College Nordjylland. I have been a part of SPOTEurope for about a year now or at least since last years COHEHRE conference in Belgium where I met sweet Marlies, who introduced me to the SPOT world.

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