SPOTeurope & Occupational Therapy articles

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Hello everyone!   My name is Aleyna, and I am currently a fourth-year Occupational Therapy student from Turkey and new Blogger for SPOTeurope.   First, I would like to thank Kira, who has done a great job as a Blogger and is currently Event...

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ENOTHE Annual Meeting 2022 in Tbilisi, Georgia

This year’s ENOTHE annual meeting took place from October 12th – 16th in Tbilisi. Our Student Board Member Vanessa Rozalina, President Julie Valckx and Blogger Kira Hanßmann were there in Person.  The location of the annual meeting was the beautiful old building of...

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WFOT Congress 2022 in Paris – SPOT recap

Hello OT-students, This month’s blog addresses the WFOT congress in Paris that took place from the 28th until the 31st of August. Three of the board members, Megan (Outreach), Ulrik (General), and I, Kira (Blogger) were able to attend this event. Firstly, we would...

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