If you haven’t heard of OT24Vx you’re in for a treat! Well what is it you ask me? I’ll quote the website and let them explain:
Continue readingAuthor: Ward
On Twitter right now is the #31dayOTchallenge.
It is originally a challenge set up by the Canadian occupational therapy association, but you can join in no problem!
The goal here is to talk to someone about OT for every day of the month october! Spread the word!
Last fall at enothe 2014 at the HAN university Nijmegen we had two meetings. At these meetings there were students from all over Europe. Our plan was to build a European student platform. With the use of a voting system we’ve decided on the form and purpose of this platform. We want a European network where we can talk to each other and learn from each other. For this to happen we’ve decided we need a website with a forum.
And now there is one.